My littlest man is having a hard time adjusting to his new bed so at night I've cuddled just a little longer to help him adjust. Each night a small piece of blanket has been thrown over the top bunk side so I can share a treasure. As the blanket came down I was asked to tell a story. Being bored of the regular stories I went for a proverb. I told about the ants that start work as soon as the sun comes up. How they each have a job, some build tunnels while others collect food. These little creatures may be small but work until the sun goes down. I told my small men of how they work like this all summer long. I also told them of another small critter that sleeps in the summer and plays music at night. I told them all about the grasshopper and how very soon we would start hearing them when we went to sleep at night. I told the littles that when the winter comes they don't have any food so we should be like the ants and work when we can so we'll be prepared for when we aren't able. In my mind I saw this simple proverb being quickly rejected because of the excitement it lacked, but my big boy begged for me to tell him again about the ants and the grasshopper. After the third retelling of this wise tale, I said good night and gave both boys a super kiss and a hug.
Now that I'm a parent I am constantly reminded of this verse:
you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and wen you rise up.
~ Deuteronomy 6:7
310. Friends to live life with.
311. Garden hose on hot days.
312. Squealing boys.
313. Muddy boys.
314. Rocks
315. Frogs
316. Sitting on front steps with coffee in hand and a friend to chat with.
317. Childhood friends.
318. Fixing a fence with my handy Mom.
319. Tiny garden.
320. Cute little yard.
321. Completely enclosed yard.
322. Clock ticking in the silence
323. Sun burns.
324. Sharing wisdom through bedtime stories.
325. Empty sink drain.
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