Dear Baby K,
Man of the woods birthed me into motherhood every day for the last nine years. Laughter has taught me to live life with an open hand. You are teaching me to love like I've never known love before.
Seven days ago at about this time I was laying eyes on you for the first time. You lay asleep even if it wasn't peaceful you slept just the same. I sat in the dark room learning as much as I could about you, realizing that no matter how many people I talked to I still wouldn't know you like I did my older two, but I was determined to do my best. You came home and quietly slept while I checked on you often. It didn't take long for me to learn that if you fell asleep while drinking your bottle you needed to burp. Or that you would always choose cuddles over eating so I sometimes needed to hold you in my lap facing me if I wanted you to eat. I quickly learned that you sleep through most everything as long as you feel snug in a swaddle. I know you prefer a bassinet to a crib. You don't seem to need to rock like my other boys did. You are you're own person. You and I we're getting to know each other. Last night when I came home from work you were happy to see me. You have taken my heart.
I don't have words to articulate the love I feel towards you. I know that someday in the months to come you and I will part ways. On that day my soul will ache and my tears will flow for you. For now I wake with you every few hours and tell you it's all going to be alright when you cry because of a gas bubble. I change every dirty diaper with a happy heart because it's what you need, it's what a Momma does and it's what love is. This love you are teaching me is an example of God's love for man kind. The way he created a perfect world, loving us enough to give us free will, the ability to reject Him. It's a beautiful thing, a precious gift actually. He knew we would walk away and still He loved us. You won't be rejecting me, but you will be leaving me. Yet I am compelled to love you with all of myself knowing that my heart will soon break.
I'm thankful for the way you are reshaping me into a better person. My hope for you is that no matter what you will always know you are loved. Thank you for teaching me to love with my whole self sweet boy.
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