Friday, September 30, 2011

The most amazing tomato sauce ever....

...At least that's the goal.

Here's how it's made:

First you grab the biggest pot you have and hope its big enough as you're filling it with tomato halves.  I have a food mill so skins, cores, and seeds all get chucked in.

Next go to the fridge, open the door, and see what it is you have for fresh veggies.  In this case I used 7 plus garlic cloves, 2 onions, 1 1/2 green bell pepper, 1 red bell pepper, and a bunch of carrots.

Throw some excitement in by having your toddler use his bulldozer to push your chunked veggies on the floor.  Pick up, rinse off and throw them into the chopper as quickly as you can.  The goal is NOT to repeat this step.

Use a bit of team work to chop all the veggies up. 

Take the blades with you when you dump the veggies into the now overflowing pot. By doing this you are avoiding the ER visit you would have needed had you left the blades with two boys.

Simmer the rest of the day.  Stirring often unless you want those who eat your sauce to think you not only made this from scratch but you did it over a campfire.  The clean up is also easier if you avoid the campfire taste (Believe me, I know from experience).

Since you have now been on your feet all day, after supper make an exception to the rule of sitting on the table, and put your sauce through the food mill.  Cranking the food mill can become tedious so invite the toddler to help.  The possibilities of what could happen are endless!

Take some pain relievers for those aching feet and go to bed.

In the morning start boiling the sauce down. 

As the sauce begins to warm add some sugar.  Whatever you think is good.  In my world it's all about what tastes good.

Open the spice cabinet give a dash of something here and pinch of something there.  A small handful of things every now and then are fine too.  For spices I used salt, pepper, bay leaves, garlic, oregano, thyme, chives, parsley, and paprika.  I also threw in some tomato paste to help thicken it.  (If you plan to can this sauce DO NOT use sage as it can turn your sauce bitter-Once again I know from experience.)

Simmer until the thickness pleases you.  Can, freeze, or use immediately.

The earth has yielded its produce; God, our God, blesses us.
~ Psalm 67:6
1058.  Little hands helping in the kitchen.
1059.  Smell of home made sauces.
1060.  Cloudy fall days.
1061.  Little boys under feet.
1062.  Being able to watch the kidlets play while I work in the kitchen.
1063.  A Dad to call when I have cooking questions.
1064.  Strong man helping.
1065.  Being able to work with the produce of the land.
1066.  The feeling of accomplishment.
1067.  Jar lids "popping".

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