When an attempted hijacking occurred on my mind a few years back by the awakening of Bipolar I learned just how valuable joy truly is. I think the most important things in life should be known by all our senses.
As the battle continued on in my mind I was unsure of what emotions were real and what ones were not causing me to search in the only place I could find honest joy; God's written Word. That began the journey of turning dandelion yellow into a reminder of joy. As I read I marked joy wanting to see how God used it in turn bringing me to a place where I too could know it as He intended.
As I highlighted I began noticing dandelion yellow all around me, making it my symbol of joy. Just as, in the Old Testament rocks would be stood up as a symbol of what God had done on that ground.
The more I see these weeds the more I've come to cherish them not just there color. I have come to realize the determination of this flower. It virtually grows anywhere, through a crack in the pavement, in the rockiest of places, in forgotten fields, and in well loved gardens dandelions are always found. Not only do they possess a determination to grow, but they insist passing on life.
The color, now my souvenir of God's joy, but the flower too has become my reminder to grow in the most difficult of places and to have a determination to spread the joy of Life everlasting.
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your might...You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates
~ Deuteronomy 6:5, 8-9
Gifts, joys to give thanks for...
~ Sunshine after days of wetness.
~ Grass to be mowed.
~ Grass stained hands
~ Blisters.
~ Smells of nature.
~ Dandelions.
~ Lemon water.
~ Nature that points me to God.
~ A husband that values me and my work.
~ Little boys that "fall" into the ditch full of water a gazillion times a day.
~ This house; a haven to slow and see.