Sunday, June 23, 2013

A four hour break

A little over a year in a half ago my then acquaintance, Military wife, and I had a burden to build into mother and daughter relationships and encourage the daughters to live pure lives.  Without question our church gave us the green light to make this conference happen.  As we began to plan and search out speakers it quickly became obvious that WE were the speakers God had picked out.  Feeling incredibly inadequate we did it.  (Here are two blog post you can read for a quick overview of our weekend and preparation: An overview and My other half)  That was a very good but VERY intense experience for the two of us.  While we began simply as acquaintances with a similar dream, we ended forever bonded.

Three nights ago we went out to "our" restaurant just because we could.  Lately life has been kind of heavy for both of us in different ways, I think.  That night we just let it all go and for four hours we talked everything and nothing.  Mostly we just simply were and sometimes simply being is what's needed most.

~ Friendships formed by God.
~ Walking life together even if not often.
~ Picking up where we left off.
~ Leaving refreshed.
~ Sushi.
~ Giant chocolate chip cookies and coffee.

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