I've seen this video three times in the past week and each time have thought it worth sharing here in my small corner of the world.
I love to cook and so often see life as I do new recipes, day by day being seasoned and tenderized to love the God of the Heavens and Earth.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A video
I've seen this video three times in the past week and each time have thought it worth sharing here in my small corner of the world.
A family weekend
Once a year our defenders clan tries to set aside a weekend to go camping and just be with each other. This year we all were so busy that we weren't able to make the camping trip happen but we were able to get in some days trips. Really there are two things we love to do together. One is to spend the day at the ocean and the other of course is fishing.
...Even if within five minutes his eyes are watering and his nose is gushing.
Rain joined our fishing trip as did two frogs, a toad, a cricket, and two leeches (One was captured and the other was looking for dinner.)
I think on this trip my missionary sister and I used the boat more then the boys.
The gift of family.
To be away of the normal and just be with each other brings rest.
It's always fun to pack the cooler and stop at some random place for lunch. A simple rest stop was loved so much by the boys they fought back tears as we pulled out.
With extra family around I had the gift of getting one on one time with each of my small men.
Laughter loves to pick flowers for me...
...Even if within five minutes his eyes are watering and his nose is gushing.
Rain joined our fishing trip as did two frogs, a toad, a cricket, and two leeches (One was captured and the other was looking for dinner.)
I think on this trip my missionary sister and I used the boat more then the boys.
Laughter was so comfortable in the back pack he took a nap in the drizzle and all. We were starting to feel as if the boys had hit there limit for the day so we began getting ready to hike out when our Man of the woods said, "I just want to catch one more."
Return to your rest, O my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.
~Psalm 116:7
931. Shopping with sisters.
932. Kidlets stuck in the car laughing and talking as they wait.
933. Unexpected car rides on back roads with my Strong man.
934. Wanted and needed by my littles.
935. Boat rides with my missionary sister.
936. Walks to the car for forgotten things with my neighbor sister.
937. Man of the woods wanting to catch one more even though there were tired, wet, and hungry.
938. Relaxing car ride home.
939. Handy Mom's homemade spaghetti after a long day.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Moving week
For over a week I have fought off the storm brewing within. Beginning with the battle of constantly feeling agitated followed by a short attention span, a lack of sleep, headaches, guilt, tears, inability to feel anything joyful. I'm hoping this storm is simply the result of all the packing and moving going on around me.
I honestly do think that after this week the storm whipping through my body will ease as we fall back into a routine recreating our home while forming a new lifestyle. We'll live in constant community something forgotten by our society. Living on a farm in the country our boys will have an easier time learning healthy work ethics and responsibility. While experiencing freedoms that are unknown to city life. Each day will show us the wonder of our Creator. As we watch the sunset each night or deal with raging storms.
Our move is bringing my dreams to life. Having watched God take past dreams and turn them into more then I ever imagined them to be I'm sure this dream too will take a path that I cannot fathom. I look forward to the adventures and life lessons to come even as the storm rages within me.
The official moving day is Sunday, but we'll start sleeping at the new place Thursday night. We have a few rooms to paint before we move our things in. Both my Pop and my Dad are coming to help us finish the details. Of course Grammy is coming also to help entertain the kidlets while we focus on the two apartments.
I honestly do think that after this week the storm whipping through my body will ease as we fall back into a routine recreating our home while forming a new lifestyle. We'll live in constant community something forgotten by our society. Living on a farm in the country our boys will have an easier time learning healthy work ethics and responsibility. While experiencing freedoms that are unknown to city life. Each day will show us the wonder of our Creator. As we watch the sunset each night or deal with raging storms.
Our move is bringing my dreams to life. Having watched God take past dreams and turn them into more then I ever imagined them to be I'm sure this dream too will take a path that I cannot fathom. I look forward to the adventures and life lessons to come even as the storm rages within me.
I will bless the LORD who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night. I have set the LORD continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
~Psalm 16:7-8
971. Prayer
972. Community
973. Holy Spirit
974. Dreams morphing
975. Friends on the hill building a home for our family.
976. A unique love that only God gives.
Monday, August 22, 2011
White water Rafting
Let me start out by telling you about this place: Moose River outpost is a Christian run camp ground. It's different then most and is all about relationship building. Sadly we only stayed one night, but it was a great one! More on that in a bit. Check it out here. The rafting company, wind fall rafting, we used is staffed with only believers and did a fantastic job.
Praise the Lord ole Bessy aka the church van didn't have any problems on this trip. We were on the boarder of northern Maine and Canada. It took us 2 1/2 hours to reach the camp grounds. For all those Starbucks fans we were 109 miles away from the nearest one.
It was a pretty quiet ride up. Some read books, a few chatted, many listened to there ipods. Those in the far back wished they could ride like this with natural AC instead of the stuffy van.
The drive was beautiful. Every sunset is a gift. If I had had my way we would have stopped every few minutes to get another picture of creation, but I wasn't driving and didn't want to walk.
The campground had a community camp fire, two other church groups were with us that night. Ours being the biggest we kind of hijacked the agenda. I don't think anybody minded. First we ate smores then sang songs of praise and truth, thanked God of all that He gives us, and were challenged to not become a statistic but to be in a life long relationship with Jesus.
On a side note, I forgot my sleeping bag so my amazing husband gave his up for me. I am blessed.
I learned my lesson about taking my camera on the river so I have no pictures of all the fun but let me try to give you a glimpse:
-15 miles of river
-Up to class four rapids.
-Some, my Strong man included, were dumped in the first 10 minutes.
-My boat alone rescued 6 people.
-A fantastic lunch.
-Much swimming
-Even more laughter.
-Lots of stories.
-No ipods used on the trip home and nobody slept, all were too busy talking.
I love how God's creation away from human made distractions brings joy and fellowship to people. It is so good.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
~Romans 1:20
955. Relationship building trips.
956. 15 miles of river time with 3 of my "daughters".
957. Nerves calmed as I stepped into the boat.
958. Nothing lost to the river & all riders reclaimed.
959. No injuries.
960. Worshipping under the stars.
961. A smooth trip with Ole Bessy.
A Moose-ful prayer
Moose the favorite animal around here. We have adventure books all about moose. We always have an imaginary moose hanging out with us. Every time we leave the city entering the country my Man of the Woods tells God how much he'd like to see a moose and then spends the rest of the car ride calling, "Here Moosey moose! Here Moose!" Insisting that all who are in the car do the same.
Now the summer has come and just about gone. Our fishing days are past as we're thinking of the fall. During the last two trips, as my young son is looking for the Moose and making sure that we all were, "keeping our eyes peeled" for one, I thoughtfully asked God why He wouldn't let this boy see a moose. In past years these same places have been full of moose. It would be a surprise if you didn't see one; while this year has brought us not even a glimpse. A harmless thing really to see a moose why not say yes to this boy? Well, a few days later I found my answer. Our Man of the woods was having a conversation with his Daddy. He said, "Sometimes God says no when we ask Him for things. He didn't let us see a moose..."
A harmless thing seeing a moose, but a big lesson for both my Man of the woods and I. God is not a vending machine but has a bigger plan in mind then we can see. whether He says yes or no it is always good.
As for God, His way is blameless; the word of the LORD is tested; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. For who is God, besides the LORD?
~2 Samuel 22:31-32a
954. A summer past without seeing a moose.
A walk
Here is an article I wrote for the most recent CBC newsleter:
Already this year at my house
we’ve done things from starting a worm farm to hugging our tomato plants
each day. Exploring life with my
littles brings me joy. Friend, I
wonder, how do I keep them small? I
want to always hold those small dirty fingers. To always see the joy that the simple
pleasures bring them. I want to
every day, see the wonder they have with God’s creation and God
himself. If only there really was a
There may not be a way to keep
them young, but I am learning as I spend more time with my Maker that there
is a way for them to always see the wonder in God and His creation. Here is what I’ve found: Be intentional. (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)
I have made it my goal to do
just that. I have decided to live intentionally,
even though it doesn’t come naturally, to live out every moment so they can
learn to always see the Love of God.
I’ve made it my goal to soak
in there boyness. To smile at the
sticks found in my cabinets as I put away dishes or the parts of nature I
pick out of their pockets at laundry time.
To embrace the destruction and conquering that find boys where ever
they are.
I am learning to use thunder
storms to teach them how big God’s love is.
I am seeing the garden as a way to show them how the Creator cares
for us.
I understand a bit more that
each day with these boy men are gifts.
As long as I have them I’ll smile right alongside those dirty little
faces and intentionally live life with them.
Thank you for walking down my road beside me for just a
bit. I hope it brought a smile to
your face as you walk this path with me each day. Maybe even some relaxation to your body
as you remember these not so long ago days. I hope you saw the adventures still to
come in your future with these small people.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A day with Deano!
A fishin' we went! What else do we ever do?
Only this time we brought along a very loved Grandpa Deano. A fellow lover of nature, quiet, streams, and fishing.
In my house this man is know to be able to fix ANYTHING. If something breaks and we say we can't fix it we hear that "Maybe Deano can fix it. I bet he knows how to fix it."
This trip started out a wee bit rough. Tears from both boys for quite a while, but my Dad, father of seven, didn't miss a beat and enjoyed himself.
Our smallest son really was only upset when he was given help that he didn't want but badly needed. (Still two weeks later is talking everyday about fish, poles, nets, & Deano)
My man of the woods and I didn't fish, not even once. We still had a blast! We walked out into the rips and would play in them. We found lots of amazing rocks. Used our net to catch more Minnows then we could count. Used fallen trees as balance beams and just enjoyed all the gifts God has for us in the the woods.
For You make him most blessed forever, You make him joyful with gladness to Your presence.
~ Psalm 21:6
890. Bubbling brooks
891. Singing birds.
892. Fallen trees.
893. Colorful rocks.
894. Dad who understands.
Monday, August 8, 2011
A glum day
This morning started off with my two hoolies playing together, attempting to be friends. While I tried to continue packing and organizing the now half home full of boxes packed with memories and anticipation. Some days I just know when the kidlets wake that everything will become a battle between the two of them. Today is one of those days. So I threw my to do list to the wind and we snuggled down in our pj's watching some of our favorite shows and some new ones. Just loving on each other.
As the morning continued on even though I was soaking in the little boy cuddles I was becoming more and more glum. By the time my Strong man got home for lunch I let the three of them fend for themselves while I snoozed. This is the worst day I've had in over a month.
While today is a down day for me compared to two months ago it is a beautiful day. I have not needed a five minute break half way through the morning, I have not needed to phone a friend, or have my hubby take the boys for me while I sobbed the day away. I simply am glum. Really that's to be expected every once in a while in the broken world that we live in.
I'm praising the Lord for my wise Doc and for medication that works with next to nothing for side effects. For the time I've put into learning myself and this depression.
As the morning continued on even though I was soaking in the little boy cuddles I was becoming more and more glum. By the time my Strong man got home for lunch I let the three of them fend for themselves while I snoozed. This is the worst day I've had in over a month.
While today is a down day for me compared to two months ago it is a beautiful day. I have not needed a five minute break half way through the morning, I have not needed to phone a friend, or have my hubby take the boys for me while I sobbed the day away. I simply am glum. Really that's to be expected every once in a while in the broken world that we live in.
I'm praising the Lord for my wise Doc and for medication that works with next to nothing for side effects. For the time I've put into learning myself and this depression.
Hear, O LORD, and be gracious to me; O LORD, be my helper. You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, that my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You Forever.
~ Psalm 30:10-12
#899. Flowers of all kinds
Even the imagination kind. Man of the woods gave this one to me one morning as a wake up gift.
It was more like a loan until it fell apart magically becoming once again a sharp teeth and transformer.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
It all started as we were heading back from a good long day of fishing. We had just come over the last hill and could see Red Ronda the Honda. My strong man asked me to find the keys that were deep in the hiking bag. As I pulled them out I was a bit confused because what I found were not for my Ronda but for his small car back home. Here we were 3 miles from a place where we could even find a phone to use or another person to talk too. Gratefully Ronda is a peculiar car as she tends to allow three doors to lock but one is always open, never knowing which one it will be. This day, thankfully, it was Our Son of Laughter's door. As we opened the door we sighed a prayer of thanksgiving for the quirks and Insight to our oversight.
As I said before Ronda is a bit peculiar. Only one of our two master keys will unlock the trunk. As she's my car, my key will open her up. About half way home we realized that my keys were missing. We had used them to pack the car and assumed that they must have ended up in the diaper bag in the back. After driving 70 plus miles and pulling everything out of the trunk over the back seats we realized that they were no where to be found. It happened just by chance as we all had given up that my Dad looked down and saw there reflection bouncing off the car paint. They had fallen down into my spare tire. They could have fallen out through either side, but instead balanced on the rim the whole way home, over miles of dirt road, miles of highway driving, and miles of in town stop and go.
I can think of nothing else other then God's protection of my small keys. I am loved!
As I said before Ronda is a bit peculiar. Only one of our two master keys will unlock the trunk. As she's my car, my key will open her up. About half way home we realized that my keys were missing. We had used them to pack the car and assumed that they must have ended up in the diaper bag in the back. After driving 70 plus miles and pulling everything out of the trunk over the back seats we realized that they were no where to be found. It happened just by chance as we all had given up that my Dad looked down and saw there reflection bouncing off the car paint. They had fallen down into my spare tire. They could have fallen out through either side, but instead balanced on the rim the whole way home, over miles of dirt road, miles of highway driving, and miles of in town stop and go.
I can think of nothing else other then God's protection of my small keys. I am loved!
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?
~ Matthew 6:26
896. Quirky car.
897. Broken locks.
898. God's protection of the small unimportant things in the grand scheme of life.
Nature cries praise
Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD from the heavens;
Praise Him, all the angels;
Praise Him, all His hosts!
Praise Him, highest heavens,
And the waters that are above the heavens!
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
For He commanded and the were created.

Mountains and all hills;
Kings of the earth and all peoples;
princes and all judges of the earth;
Both young men and virgins;
Praise the LORD from the heavens;
Praise Him in the heights!
Praise Him, all the angels;
Praise Him, all His hosts!
Praise Him, sun and moon;
Praise Him, all the stars of light!
Praise Him, highest heavens,
And the waters that are above the heavens!
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
For He commanded and the were created.
He has also established them forever and ever;
He has made a decree which will not pass away.
Praise the LORD from the earth,
Sea monster and all the deeps;
Fire and hail, snow and clouds;
Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;
Fruit trees and all ceders;
Beasts and all cattle;
Creeping things and winged fowl;
Kings of the earth and all peoples;
princes and all judges of the earth;
Old men and children.
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
For His name alone is exalted;
His glory is above earth and heaven.
~Psalm 148:1-13
Gifts that cannot be numbered.
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