Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A family weekend

Once a year our defenders clan tries to set aside a weekend to go camping and just be with each other.  This year we all were so busy that we weren't able to make the camping trip happen but we were able to get in some days trips.  Really there are two things we love to do together.  One is to spend the day at the ocean and the other of course is fishing.

To be away of the normal and just be with each other brings rest.

It's always fun to pack the cooler and stop at some random place for lunch.  A simple rest stop was loved so much by the boys they fought back tears as we pulled out.

With extra family around I had the gift of getting one on one time with each of my small men.

Laughter loves to pick flowers for me...

...Even if within five minutes his eyes are watering and his nose is gushing.

Rain joined our fishing trip as did two frogs, a toad, a cricket, and two leeches (One was captured and the other was looking for dinner.)

I think on this trip my missionary sister and I used the boat more then the boys.

Laughter was so comfortable in the back pack he took a nap in the drizzle and all.  We were starting to feel as if the boys had hit there limit for the day so we began getting ready to hike out when our Man of the woods said, "I just want to catch one more." 

The gift of family.

Return to your rest, O my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.
~Psalm 116:7
931.  Shopping with sisters.
932.  Kidlets stuck in the car laughing and talking as they wait.
933.  Unexpected car rides on back roads with my Strong man.
934.  Wanted and needed by my littles.
935.  Boat rides with my missionary sister.
936.  Walks to the car for forgotten things with my neighbor sister.
937.  Man of the woods wanting to catch one more even though there were tired, wet, and hungry.
938.  Relaxing car ride home.
939.  Handy Mom's homemade spaghetti after a long day.

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