Friday, July 29, 2011

The gift of no camera

Remember this place:
You got it.  The place where I could either swim across the fishing hole or float across with my sweet Man of the woods.  This past family day, per my suggestion, off we went again.  This time  I started off in the boat and spent the whole trip with Son of Laughter in my lap and my Man of the woods at the other end.  It was one of those trips where I continuously sighed because I had forgotten my camera to help me record those fleeting days.

Here's where it becomes evident that the forgotten camera was a gift.  I was wet, about thigh deep, before I got into the boat.  As the boys fished and we played together I realized that my back was become increasingly wet.  Looking over my shoulder to see what was causing this I realized we were losing air and taking on water.  My strong man the protector chest deep in the middle of the stream blew more air into this tiny raft often to keep us a float enjoying our trip.  So had the camera come along surely I would be mourning as I type.

11 beauts right there!  The smallest 8 inches.  What a day!

And my soul shall rejoice in the LORD; It shall exult in His salvation.
~ Psalm 35;9

849.  Son of Laughter standing in a rubber raft fishing.
850.  Many fish brought in with a bug net and much squeals of joy.
851.  Snake found and watched in the woods.
852.  Many, many fishing line tangles, some having to be cut.

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