Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's in the blood

Fishing runs deep in the Hill Defenders blood.  As the season for black flies has gone, it was time for an introduction to the youngest of the clan.

As I was stopping midway into the brook to take this snap shot a spider, the size of a coffee mug, decided my leg would be a nice resting spot. That was until I screamed and began the rest of the way across the brook trying to escape giant sized Spidey.  Having gotten a safe distance away from him I began keeping an eye out.  Of course I did not want to entertain him again, but a photo would have been nice.

As we guessed our fearless son of Laughter loved every minute of the trip.  Even when Daddy was armpit deep in the broke.
That is when I opted to climb aboard ship with my Man of the woods rather then swim down stream.

At one point it was easier to use an old tree as a balance beam with my son on my back then walk through the brush.

A great first experience.

You shall work six days, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during plowing time and harvest you shall rest.
~ Exodus 34:21

778.  Quick fishing trip.
779.  Raft for my man of the woods to play in.
780.  One on one time with each of my small boys.
781.  Fishing as a family, with an Uncle and Grandpa.

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