Monday, October 29, 2012

And so begins our school year.

Man of the woods has been looking forward to this day for weeks maybe even months.  When the school books first arrived and I began planning out our days he begged to sit next to me and "just" watched of course every half a second he had one more excited question.

Here's how today went.  We practiced recognizing the letter Aa and the number 1.  We also worked on the shape triangle.  When all was said and down man of the woods reported it was a boring day.  I'm sure he's right on the level of actually learning new things.  However following direction, working hard at not crying when asked to do something he's not good at, and being pushed to use his imagination was good for him.  A bonus was that today's lesson included a maze one of his favorites!

Daddy and Laughter, can't you tell?

The world God gave us.

I think a bit of his "boredom" had to do with the fact that little brother is supper creative and loved all of the activities. Little brother didn't need to be told how to hold paper when cutting, and had no problem drawing a picture of him with Daddy...As you see above only Laughter could tell you it was him and Daddy. 

Man of the woods picture after much stress.

It's hard to tell but he circled Maine and New York the two places he knows on earth. (He tried to circle Hungary but then realized it wasn't on this particular map.

Where as Man of the woods a very practical guy was overwhelmed at the thought of having to draw him and Daddy without any kind of example or guidelines to follow.  While I'm a creative person when a teacher gave me assignments that didn't include precise directions I would become over whelmed, unless it was specified that I could let my imagination run wild.  In the end Man of the woods drew stick figures.  Which was totally fine with me since I myself can't draw anything more when it comes to people.  However, Man of the woods was completely stress free when it came to creating a picture using the number one as this task had an example to follow....

Just about perfect to the example shown.

...And well modern art maybe??

...And well Laughter is wild and free what else can I say?

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him...
~ Genesis 1:27a
2668.  Two boys created differently but exactly as should be.

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