Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm a processor and I'm still processing the three weeks I spent in Hungary.  My perspective on much of life has changed and soon I'll write more on that, but for now, I'm happy to be with my three men.

Kid size mugs & chocolate eggs with a toy inside.  The boys loved it.
The first few days were very much like the movie, "It's a wonderful life" after I arrived home.  Even though I was there it was more like looking through a window watching all that was going on inside.  The two hoolies had grown more then I anticipated.  Strong man knew where things were kept leaving me to be the one asking where this is and where that is for everything.  (In case you forgot the men moved while I was away.)  To hear, sit, and listen to stories from each of them I realized that all three of my men had grown and changed in some way.  To be honest I was a bit sad to realize I had missed being apart of this growth.

A few nights after I had arrived home as I was tucking Man of the woods into bed he asked his first question about my trip.  It was the last thing I would have ever thought he would ask me, "Mommy, tell me about your friends in Hungary."  He didn't care about the Castle or my adventures just the people.  I smiled as I want my boys to always put relationships first.

Not only are wood stoves useful for heating, but also for roasting marshmallows.

I also realized I had forgotten just how wild my smallest boy really is.  The innocent messes he gets himself into.  One day while eating french fries he decided to try some of his brothers mayonnaise on his fry.  After he dipped the fry he began talking holding it close to his face, a little too close actually, as he smeared it all over.  Instead of crying as he would have three weeks ago he calmly asked for help cleaning it off.  He then switched hands and continued on in his conversation to do the exact same thing on the other side of his face.  Completely innocent, never trying to make a mess and yet finding himself in two just in the matter of minutes.  A very mild predicament for this boy, but still a good reminder as to how he keeps me on my toes.

It is good to hold little hands and to be the center of these boys affection.  After church this past week Laughter gave me a kiss followed with, "I kissed you because I was thinking about you while I made this picture for you."  And Man of the woods today at lunch said, "Momma maybe there are other women who love Jesus just like you and have lived in Hungary that I could marry when I grow up."

It is good.
Motherhood is good.
Being Strong man's wife is good.
Home is good.
Right where I'm at is good.

I have also learned more of the love of God.  Isaiah writes, "A mother may forget her child, but God never will" (Shandy's version).  I can't imagine forgetting my child and to know that The King of the heavens and the earth's love runs deeper for me then my love for boys.  This thought kind of blows my mind. 

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