Sunday, November 6, 2011


Meet Denis, he's a 30 year doll that has gone everywhere. Not to mention how well he has befriended two little boys, one being my strong man and the other my sweet Man of the woods.

Denis is not only a good cuddler, but also the best flyer, jumper, glider, sling shot, well really anything that involves traveling through the air you can bet he does it.  This is exactly what I imagined little boys would do with doll friends.

Meet Baby Gagagoo.  He is months old.  When big brother launched him through the air for the first and last time, Laughter walked over picked Baby up, cradled him and cried in the corner.

He loves this baby.  Everyday Laughter feeds (sometimes that includes real food), cuddles, and puts baby to bed.

When Laughter is asked if he's practicing to be a daddy, he glows with pride and excitement.

Isn't if funny how love can be shown in such different ways?  I'm amazed at how distinct each personality is.

For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb.
~ Psalm139:13

1177.  Laughters joy in playing Daddy.
1197.  Two completely different little boys.

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