Sunday, June 3, 2012

A summer of Last of's, EFA 2.13

A few days ago we went in search of a water fall or two. 

We crossed a few rivers, but the hike was pretty easy.

Laughter ran in the beginning try to keep up with Man of the woods.  He'd trip about every seven steps, but was a man about.

Trying to determine how old the Moose dropping were exactly.

Can you find Mr. Toad.  He stumped my men.

Thank you nice man for taking our photo!

Aahh yes, back to Laughter and man hood.  I realized on this trip that this summer is a summer of "last of's".  By the end of this summer my youngest will be a full boy.

He walked or ran a lot of this hike.  He didn't complain when things didn't go his way.  He didn't want to take help.  He wanted to do it "all by my own."

When we got to the base of the falls while man of the woods spent most of the time throwing rocks in the water Laughter cuddled up in my lap to eat his snack.  Instinctively the Mommy rocker came out so we rocked and watched the water falls as he nibbled.  As I realized I was rocking him as I would an infant I quickly stopped not wanting for him to feel like a baby.  He began rocking himself pushing me to rock too.  I soaked up the moment.

As we were hiking back with him in my pack we chatted for a bit until I felt his body relax into sleep.  A thing too that will quickly fad into the past as this summer comes to an end.  May I soaked in the last of's this summer.  May it be good.

Remember that my life is but breath
~ Job 7:7a

2267.  A day outside of normal life, just me and the boys.
2268.  Cool river water on my toes.
2269.  Laughter running only to trip every seven steps.
2270.  Walkin' & talkin' with my men.
2271.  Sitting at the base of the falls withe the mist hitting my face.
2272.  Laughter cuddled up in my lap.
2273.  Us rocking together, fitted together the way only a Momma and her child can.
2274.  Singing songs of how great God is while waiting for Daddy.
2275.  Man of the woods sitting at the top of the hill by himself waiting for to catch up.
2276.  Back packing my youngest.
2277.  The moment I realize Laughter has fallen asleep on my back.
2278.  Country stores.

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