Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advent, December 3

Remember our Advent tree.  Each day we are challenged to show God we love him.  Some days it's through song, or by showing kindness.  This day we were asked to give something that would be a blessing to a stranger.

Man of the woods and I made some oatmeal raisin cookies just for fun. When we did our reading for the day finding our challenge both boys got all excited about giving the cookies away and making cards that said, "Jesus loves you." We decided that in a church of 200 plus we'd each find one that we had never met.

Laughter, with the safety of his Daddy's hand, gave his gift away before church started. At the end of church he was given a thank you card, just making his day! It's been a while since I've seen him have that much excitement.

Man of the woods stood at the top of the stairs with his Nana saying hello to everybody coming up looking for someone he had never met before.

I made a quick loaf of bread to give away.  I found a young lady who is fairly new to the church that just happens to in her words, "live off of bread".  She was pretty excited.

Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are for signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells on Mount Zion.
~ Isaiah 8:18

1301.  Making cookies with just my Man of the woods.
1302.  Making bread with just Laughter.
1303.  A tangible way to show love to strangers.
1304.  A memorable teaching moment for the boys.
1305.  The boys boldness to meet someone new.
1306.  Excitement the littles have in giving someone a gift.

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