Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sick days, EFA 1.8

For just about a week now we've fought off the sickness.  One night we were up at two in the morning cuddling laughter in the steam filled shower to help him breath.  We spent the day at Nana's waiting for an opening to see the good ol' Doc.  Momma's suspicions were correct, both boys had croup.  Fun times.  So on this family day we did what we had to and laid as low as we could. 

And now this Momma who has missed all the sickness so far this fall has woken this morning completely congested and feeling like some how during the night I played a very aggressive game of football.  So for me as the wee ones sleep I sit with my favorite cocktail, a Shandy-cooler, invented by my Pop when I was a small one.  It's 50% cranberry juice mixed with 50% Seltzer water. I also have with me a mug full of soup, my Bible, computer, a good book, and of course my list.

Cry aloud and shout for joy, O inhabintant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Isreal.
~ Isaiah 12:6

1295.  Long naps.
1296.  Shandy-coolers.
1297.  Warm soup.
1298.  A family that loves to read.
1299.  An advent tree that keeps us focused.
1300.  Two nights of uninterupted sleep.

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